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Pagination in Mule4

what is pagination pagination is a technique used to manage large sets of data by breaking them down into smaller, manageable chunks called pages. Pagination is commonly used in APIs to improve performance, reduce response times, and enhance user experience when dealing with large datasets. Limit and Offset: Pagination typically involves using two parameters: LIMIT and OFFSET. Limit: Specifies the […]


Java Module provides operations to integrate with existing Java Classes by enabling your message flows to invoke static or non-static Java Methods from java classes Two ways to invoke java methods: Java Module from Exchange Transform Message component Use cases Integration with custom Java libraries Legacy integration Performance Optimization Static Method vs Non Static Method […]

MuleSoft Intelligent Document Processing

What is IDP? Intelligent document processing (IDP) is automating the process of manual data entry from paper-based documents or document images to integrate with other digital business processes.  For example, consider a business process workflow that automatically issues orders to suppliers when stock levels are low. What is MuleSoft IDP? MuleSoft IDP is an advanced tool […]

Getting Started Portainer

What is Portainer? Portainer is a free and open-source container management platform designed to simplify the deployment and management of Docker environments on desktop, cloud, and edge servers. It provides an intuitive graphical user interface (GUI), enabling users to quickly configure, deploy, and manage their Docker environments without requiring any command line or scripting expertise. […]

Anypoint Partner Manager

Anypoint Partner Manager enables you to perform bidirectional Business-to-Business (B2B) message exchanges using APIs and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) formats, and to conduct business transactions such as buying and selling products with your partners. Transactions are typically transmitted over transports such as HTTPS and SFTP, and exchanges such as AS2. Partner Manager supports X12, JSON, […]

API Autodiscovery in Mule

Introduction: API Autodiscovery in MuleSoft automates API management by linking deployed applications to APIs on the platform. It simplifies the process by automating tracking, enforcing policies, and reporting analytics. This feature enhances monitoring, improves security and compliance, and ensures seamless integration with existing systems, reducing manual efforts and boosting operational efficiency. By leveraging tools like […]

Anypoint Monitoring and Alerts

Introduction: Anypoint Monitoring in Anypoint platform provides visibility in to integrations across your app network. These monitoring tools provide feedback from Mule flows and components in your app network. The monitoring tools are designed to reduce the time to identify and resolve these issues through aggregated metrics, data visualization tools, alerts for issues, and a […]

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